

Project name Kenswall House
Service residential
Location Chigwell
Year 2021
Size 389 m2
Status Design Stage

Kenswall House

The unique site comprises detached properties of varying styles and characters. There is no particular form of dwelling that predominates. The site on which we are proposed to build is presently occupied with a bungalow, and the dwellings on each site are two storey buildings.

The property and the next door neighbors are positioned back from the road with generous front garden/parking areas.

The existing building on the site is a brick bungalow constructed property in the 1950s. The proposal is re design the family dwelling by means of demolishing the existing structure and erecting a two storey building with basement. The proposal is designed within the same footprint of the existing properties. The character is to reflect the locality and the layout design to be in accordance with family’s requirements.